If your character owns a throwing weapon, pressing ‘T’ you'llbe allowed to aim at enemy monsters A small glass lens is indispensable to cast some spells A cure potion is indispensable to cast some spells Bat guano is smelly but indispensable to cast some spells Amber is indispensable to cast some spells Sorts the group by hit points. This is relative to the current situation, not the maximum HP. Sorts the group by charisma (the handsomest character will be positioned uppermost). Sorts the group by stamina (the stoutest character will be positioned uppermost). Sorts the group by dexterity (the quickest character will be positioned uppermost). Sorts the group by wisdom (the wisest character will be positioned uppermost). Sorts the group by intelligence (the smartest character will be positioned uppermost). Sorts the group by strength (the strongest character will be positioned uppermost). The group will wait until midnight. This is useful if you want to rest but the group isn't tired yet. Click in the battle order window to change the disposition of characters, then re-select this item when you're satisfied You can't change battle order while a battle is taking place A window will appear and you'll be able to set up battle order The group will set up camp and get eigth hours of beauty sleep The group will search the location they are in, digging, patting walls and looking for tracks. But it's lengthy! The Dream soundtrack is playing. Selecting this item will mute it. Music is unavailable. As soon as I find the time to write the music code I'll let you know, OK? Music is muted. Selecting this item will allow Dream to play its soundtrack while you play. Notification is on, so the game system will display an alert when something potentially dangerous (like the lights turning off) happens Notification is off, so the game system won't display an alert when something potentially dangerous happens; such notes will be sent to the trascript windoid The transcript windoid is active. Selecting this item will hide it. The trascript is a list of actions undertaken by characters and notices from the game system. The transcript windoid is hidden. Selecting this item will show it. The trascript is a list of actions undertaken by characters and notices from the game system. Speech is enabled. Selecting this item will mute it Speech is unavailable. You need PlainTalk software from Apple to enable it Speech is muted. Selecting this item will make Dream read aloud the description of the places you visit Sounds are played. Selecting this item will mute them Sounds are muted. Selecting this item will enable them Stops the game clock Leaves the Dream game system Prints the contents of the frontmost window Configures the print settings Saves the current game in a new file on disk Saves the current game on disk Lets you load a saved game, and start playing it Selecting this option will send away the selected group member, forever! The selected character isn't a spell-caster. Select a dreamer, or use a magic item, if you wish to cast a spell Displays the available spells window A new character shall join the group For 1 golden Eagle a week worth of food shall be yours I don't care what Apple's Human Interface says, I won't tell you what happens in this case, OK? A new character shall join the group Barmen can be a precious information source. Even invaluable, if you are a good client… Some old liquorous wine? Care for a glass of beer? For 1 golden Eagle a week worth of food shall be yours For 5 golden Eagles a weeks worth of light food rations shall be yours A new character shall join the group Why take a lot of weight with you at all times? Leave your gold in the bank. It won't give interests, but it'll be safe.